Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hannah and Henry!

Henry was so happy to see his big sister and to play at Grandma and Grandpa F's house!

Let the Pinata Fun Begin!

As the youngest cousin, Henry started off the pinata festivities at the family reunion! Swing and a...HIT!

Partying with Grandma and Grandpa F.

Nobody throws a party like Grandma and Granpa F.! Henry met so many
wonderful family members. What a weekend!

Henry Multi-tasks!

Henry plays the piano while eating a block at Grandma Eileen's...

Uncle Ted and Uncle Jim!

Henry enjoyed the sunny weather and hanging out with Uncle Ted and Uncle Jim at "Club Fred" !

The Great Cucumber Boat Race

Henry didn't know who to cheer for during this race, so he cheered for

Henry Visits Chicago!

Henry loved seeing his Godmother, Jenny!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Books and Teething

Henry has found that while reading, chewing on the board books can be useful in the early stages of teething...

The Perfect Piano?

Henry recently discovered the piano/xylophone/thingy at school. Whatever it is --he loves it!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Crawling Update: The Moonwalk

Yes, it's true, the Michael Jackson moonwalk dance is back. This time popularized by Henry's crawling technique. Perfectly perched on knees and hands, Henry travels backwards!

It's Official: Henry is a "Sitter-Upper"!

Henry can sit up on his own now. He really loves it...

Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's Dinner Time!

Henry waited patiently while his parents ate, but eventually got into the act by doing a little foot-tasting!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tess Takes Henry for a "Buggy" Ride!

Henry had so much fun with his friend Tess. And Tess was a great help in caring for Henry --pushing his "buggy", reading bedtime stories, and finding his lost "dummy" !

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Henry Loves Books!

Henry is very interested in his books. The reading of bedtime stories is a favorite for all of us...

Shelter Island Sunset

A little walk to the beach before bed --what a beautiful sunset...

Wake Up, Wake Up, Wake Up!

It's bright and early and time to wake up! Click on the "play" button to watch the video...

Monday, August 18, 2008

Henry Sings!

Henry must have heard that American Idol auditions are being held in NYC soon... Click on the "play" button to watch the video.

Special Friends on Shelter Island

Henry is so happy that Michelle and family are vacationing on Shelter Island --they came all the way from London!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy, Sweet Henry

Henry is so happy and sweet. He laughs a great deal, too...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Rice Cereal: Day 5

Henry is doing really well with his once-a-day rice cereal diet (in addition to his regular milk feedings). It's day 5 and all is well!

Henry Goes Swimming!

A little splishing, a little splashing, a cool pool, and summer fun! Click on the "play" button to watch the video...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Video: Henry Loves to Tap Dance!

Henry just loves to dance. Here he practices his tap dancing. Click on the "play" button to watch the video...

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hey! Where Am I?

Henry moves so quickly sometimes (still not quite crawling) that he surprises himself! Here he seems to be wondering why and how he got off his activity mat...

It's Rice Cereal Sunday!

Today was the day --Henry's introduction to "solid" food. He seemed to really enjoy his rice cereal and his cool high chair.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Henry Loves the Big Bed!

You name it, Henry loves doing it on the big bed: eating, sleeping, playing, laughing, rolling, etc.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Shelter Island Summer Fun!

It is so beautiful on Shelter Island and Henry loves going for walks and being outside, and he LOVES his cool room!

Henry is SO loved!

Henry just loved visiting on Shelter Island with Katharine, Maddie, and Alex! He had so much fun and got so much love!

The Little Dark Knight Needs a Rest

After breaking box office records, the little Dark Knight really needed a nap!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Fastest Hat in the Land!

Henry LOVES his new Ferrari hat that Grandpa F. brought back from Italy. Vroom! Vroom!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Tastes Great!

Not only are books good for you, but they taste great, too!

Nothing Like a Good Book!

Henry loves bedtime stories!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

"Tea" at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco

Henry met Bruce for tea at the Palace Hotel and then received a VIP tour of Bruce's new SF store.

Roadtrip: California!

Henry was very happy to arrive in California to see Hannah and have a special lunch with Uncle Bruce!